Relocatie van nieuwe medewerkers, waar vandaan dan ook

Wij regelen de relocatie van talent wereldwijd naar Nederland. Van visumaanvraag tot en met de assistentie bij het settelen in Nederland. Onze service omvat alle relocatieactiviteiten die nodig zijn om iemand van buiten Europa naar Nederland te halen. Een zachte landing voor je mensen, wij regelen het.

Wat nemen we je uit handen?

  • Aanvraag werk-/verblijfsvergunning via de kennismigrantenregeling. Ook voor meereizende familieleden.
  • Regelen van woonruimte, inclusief het betalen van commissie, borg en 1 maand huur voor een volledig gemeubileerd appartement, op maximaal 45 minuten enkele reis vanaf de werkplek.
  • Indien de woonruimte bij aankomst niet beschikbaar is, zorgen we voor tijdelijke woonruimte.
  • Vervoer van Schiphol Airport naar huis/hotel.
  • Coördinatie van alle benodigde aanmeldingen en afspraken: ophalen werk/verblijfsvergunning, burgerservicenummer (BSN), gemeentelijke inschrijving, openen Nederlandse bankrekening.
  • Aanvraag 30%-regeling.
  • Aanvraag verplichte ziektekostenverzekering.
  • Advies en begeleiding gedurende het gehele relocatieproces.

Een nieuwe baan in Nederland betekent ook wennen aan een nieuwe omgeving, een andere taal en contacten leggen op het werk en daarbuiten. Zo’n overgang kan best een uitdaging zijn, zelfs als alle praktische zaken zijn geregeld.

Op deze pagina vind je wat nuttige informatie die helpt bij een zachte landing in Nederland. Want een goede voorbereiding, is de eerste stap naar een succesvolle relocatie.

Residence/work permit

The fastest way for a non-EU national to get a work permit in the Netherlands is via the highly skilled migrant (kennismigrant) procedure.

General conditions​

The following general conditions apply:

  • You have a valid passport or another valid travel document. A child may be included in the passport of one of the parents.
  • You have signed an antecedents certificate. The antecedents certificate can be found in the application form. In this certificate you provide information on your criminal record. You state, for example, that you have not committed any crimes. You also state that you have not submitted any incorrect information, nor have you stayed in the Netherlands illegally. The certificate does not need to be filled in by children under the age of 12.
  • After arriving in the Netherlands, you will undergo a medical test for tuberculosis (TB). You are exempt from having to undergo a TB test in the following situations:
    • You have the nationality of one of the countries listed in the appendix ‘Exemption from the obligation to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test’
    • You have a valid residence permit in the Netherlands and you are applying for a different residence permit.
    • You were born in the Netherlands and have always lived in the Netherlands.
    • You have already undergone a TB test in the Netherlands less than 6 months ago.
    • You have an EU residence permit for long-term residents issued by another EU country or are a family member and were already admitted to another EU country as a family member of the long-term resident.

In addition, you and your employer must meet the following conditions:

The agreed wage is in accordance with market conditions.


Citizen service number (BSN)

Everyone living in the Netherlands must have a citizen service number, often referred to as a BSN (burgerservicenummer). Anyone born in the Netherlands will receive one automatically, but international newcomers need to apply for a BSN as soon as they arrive.

A BSN is required for a variety of administrative procedures in the Netherlands. You’ll need one in order to work, open a bank account, arrange health insurance, visit a doctor or hospital, or apply for benefits. If you leave the Netherlands and later return, you’ll keep the same citizen service number when you re-register with the municipality.

When you register with your local municipality (for a short or long stay) you’ll be assigned your BSN. For either procedure, you will need to make an appointment with the municipality (gemeente) in which you live.


Finding a place to stay in the Netherlands can be challenging. So make sure to address this point when you negotiate your relocation package.

The Netherlands offers a great variety of short stay options like Airbnb and Studenthotels. To give you an idea about prices and locations, check This is largest independent website for rental properties in the Netherlands.


30% tax ruling

Internationals who have been recruited from abroad for a position in the Netherlands may be eligible for the 30% tax ruling. Discover some of the practical matters about the 30% ruling and whether it applies to you.

What is the 30% ruling?

The 30% reimbursement ruling (also known as the 30% facility) is a tax rebate for non-Dutch workers moving to the Netherlands for a specific employment role. If the necessary conditions are met, the employer can grant a tax-free allowance to a maximum of 30% of the gross salary, subject to Dutch income tax. This reimbursement is intended as compensation for the expenses which international employees often face when moving to the Netherlands for work.

The most important factors which decide whether you are eligible for a tax rebate are:

  • The employee has to transfer or be recruited from abroad by a Dutch employer
  • The employer and employee have to agree in writing that the 30% ruling applies
  • The employee must meet a salary threshold (this is indexed annually).

How do I apply for the 30% ruling?

The employer is responsible for applying for the 30% ruling on behalf of the employee. This needs to be done directly with the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst).

The application procedure should be started within 3 months after the first working day and takes a maximum of 3 months. Once the ruling has been approved, it is applied retroactively.

Health insurance

Everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands is legally obliged to take out standard health insurance to cover the cost of, for example, consulting a general practitioner, hospital treatment and prescription medication. The government decides on the coverage provided by the standard package. All insurers offer the same standard package. Healthcare insurers are obliged to accept anyone who applies for the standard insurance package and must charge all policyholders the same premium, regardless of their age or state of health. This ensures that every person is protected against the financial risks of illness and hospital admission.

You are free to choose from any health insurer (zorgverzekeraar) offering the basic package (basisverzekering). To register for health insurance, you will require a citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN). Please note: If you are not covered by Dutch health insurance, you risk being fined and billed retroactively for the months you were not insured.

The standard insurance package includes visits to your general practitioner, some medications, dental care until the age of 18, nutritional/dietary care, medical aids, mental health services and more. The package does not cover things like aspirin purchased over the counter, certain cosmetic surgery procedures and interventions for which no supplemental insurance has been chosen (e.g. a root canal treatment at the dentist).

Bank account

Once you start working here, you will need a Dutch bank account in order to receive your salary and to pay in shops (most shops do not accept credit cards and increasingly do not accept cash). Most banks offer attractive package deals for people with a higher education, providing discounts on their financial products (like insurances). Opening an account can be done online.
You will need the following documents:
* Dutch citizen service number (BSN)
* Employment contract
* Valid passport
* Rental agreement or a Dutch address where you are registered.

Finding a doctor

In the Netherlands, patients are free to choose their own doctor (huisarts). Many practices employ male and female doctors and allow you to specify any preferences when you make an appointment. It is recommended that you register with a doctor close to your home, so that you can get there quickly in case of an emergency.

Find doctors in your area using the website (fill in your postal code in the second text box and click zoek).

Although doctors in the Netherlands practice mainstream Western medicine, a growing number of doctors combine it with alternative treatment methods such as homoeopathy, acupuncture or anthroposophical therapy.

Visiting a doctor

You are welcome to set up an introductory meeting with a doctor before signing up with their practice. Bring any medical records with you, as this enables the doctor to assess your medical history and allows you to gauge the communication. This introductory meeting will normally be charged as a consultation. Most doctors in the Netherlands speak reasonably good English. Look for expat-friendly doctor practices in your area.

When to contact the doctor

The doctor should be the first port of call for all medical problems with the exception of real emergencies. If suffering from flu, a sprained ankle, abdominal pain, psychological problems, chronic illness or even gynecological problems, contact the doctor first.

You can make an appointment over the phone, and in some cases by email. Most doctors have set surgery hours and some even give advice over the phone. If the problem is serious, the doctor may make a house call, but this is not normal practice.

Once a diagnosis is made, the doctor decides on the method of treatment. He or she can treat the problem themselves, sometimes with prescription drugs available from a chemist. Alternatively, the doctor may refer the patient to a specialist in a hospital. A referral is always necessary to see a specialist, except for physiotherapists and midwives.

Driving License

As an international resident in the Netherlands, you can use your own driving license for a certain period of time, after which you will be required to obtain a Dutch permit.

In most cases you will have to retake your test in order to obtain a Dutch license via the Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing (CBR) (in Dutch only).

However, if you benefit from the 30% ruling (or you are from the EU, the EEA, Switzerland or are from a country with a special agreement), you can exchange your foreign driving license for a Dutch one without retaking the test.

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